
This Week @ Rogers: May 27th to May 31st, 2013

Monday, May 27:

Mural Painting for Students

Tuesday, May 28:
Zone Track Meet @ UVic
Garden Club 3-4 pm

Wednesday, May 29:
Earthquake Drill 2 pm

Thursday, May 30:
Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Friday, May 31:
Class and School Photo Day

General Information:

1. Bottle Drive: Thank you to all of the volunteers and to those who contributed bottles and donations to the Bottle Drive on Saturday. The final tally was $704! It was a terrific FUNdraiser!

2. Mural Paining: Monday is mural painting day for all classes. The acrylic paint that is used for the mural is permanent and thus does not wash out of clothes. We will do our best to prevent students from getting paint on their clothing, but for that added assurance, we encourage you to send your child with a paint shirt.

3. Zone Track Meet: for students in grades 3 to 5 attending the Zone Track Meet at UVic on Tuesday, they are encouraged to bring extra water and snacks and appropriate clothing. The stands at Centennial Park at UVic can be very breezy and thus chilly, so an extra layer would be suggested.

4. Earthquake Drill: Wednesday is the earthquake drill. Students will be outside at 2 pm for 30 minutes. Please ensure your child is prepared for the weather. Thanks!

5. Mural Painting: the mural artist, Joanne Thomson has started painting the mural! She is mentoring two former Rogers students, Bryn and Ryan, on the art of mural painting. Joanne welcomes adult volunteers to come out to help. If you are able to dedicate an hour or more to help paint, please email Joanne to set up a time: joannedthomson@shaw.ca

 6. Mural Raffle: there is one more fundraiser for the mural. The PAC and Mural Committee are sponsoring a raffle. Tickets will be on sale at the school office until June 3rd and after school outside by the mural at the raffle table.

For more information about the mural project, see the Rogers Mural Project blog at: http://rogersmuralproject.blogspot.ca/

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RogersMural

Have a wonderful last week of May!